Friday, February 28, 2014

Create and Save a Custom MT4 (Metatrader 4) Market Watch Currency Set

Brokers nowadays have large numbers of products for trading. You may find that you are taking time to search for the product that you frequently trades.

Creating a custom currency symbol set in your Metatrader 4 (MT4) Market Watch list can come in very handy if you only trade a few currencies (which is recommended, so that you can specialize in those markets).

I’m going to show you how to create your own custom Market Watch currency set/list. Remove the unwanted symbols or products from your Market Watch list.

Having separate custom symbol sets to switch between could save you lots of time and confusion in the long-term, and make you a more efficient trader overall.


1. I'll clean up my list by "right-click" on the Market Watch, Select "Hide All"(If there is symbols you are unable to hide is because they symbols is on the Chart, close the chart)

2. Then again, right-click on Market Watch, Select "Symbols"

3. Now, Double-Click on the Symbols to Enable/ Disable from Market Watch (grey means disabled). The sequence of adding will affect the display order. You can also rearranging by dragging it in the market watch. 

4. Once done, right-click on Market Watch, select "Sets > Save As...". Save under the name you preferred.

5. To load it, right-click on Market Watch, select "Sets > select the saved template"... and DONE!

Now you can create multiple custom Market Watch currency symbol set in Metatrader 4 (MT4).
Let me know what else you'll like to learn. Happy Trading!

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